class ugcs::vsm::Text_stream_filter::Entry


Represents user match entry. More…

class Entry
    // fields

    Entry_handle handle;
    std::regex re;
    Match_handler handler;
    std::smatch match;
    Lines_list lines;
    size_t ctx_lines_before;
    size_t ctx_lines_after;
    std::chrono::milliseconds timeout = std::chrono::milliseconds::zero();
    Timer_processor::Timer::Ptr timer = nullptr;

    // construction

        Entry_handle handle,
        const std::regex& re,
        Match_handler handler,
        size_t ctx_lines_before,
        size_t ctx_lines_after

Detailed Documentation

Represents user match entry.


std::regex re

Regular expression for this entry.

Match_handler handler

User provided handler.

std::smatch match

Matched data when match found.

Lines_list lines

Matched lines.

size_t ctx_lines_before

Number of lines to capture before and after matched line.

std::chrono::milliseconds timeout = std::chrono::milliseconds::zero()

Timeout, zero if not specified.

Timer_processor::Timer::Ptr timer = nullptr

Timeout timer handle if timeout required.