class ugcs::vsm::Properties::Property


One property representation. More…

class Property
    // fields

    std::string str_repr;
    int32_t int_repr;
    double float_repr;
    bool int_valid:1;
    bool float_valid:1;
    std::string description;
    int seq_number = -1;

    // construction

    Property(std::string&& value);
    Property(int32_t value);
    Property(double value);

Detailed Documentation

One property representation.


std::string str_repr

String representation of the property.

int32_t int_repr

Integer representation of the property if possible.

double float_repr

Floating point number representation of the property if possible.

bool int_valid:1

Flag indicates that integer representation is valid.

bool float_valid:1

Flag indicates that floating point number representation is valid.

std::string description

User description of the property.

int seq_number = -1

place in properties file


Property(std::string&& value)

Construct property from string value.

Property(int32_t value)

Construct property from integer value.

Property(double value)

Construct property from floating point value.